meldCX offers a wide range of possibilities when deploying applications. If you are experiencing issues please have a look at the following FAQs and their respective answers, hopefully this can provide some assistance when trying to self diagnose the issue.
1. Why are my devices displaying an account logo?
meldCX provides enterprise level browsing functionality, in order to meet enterprise standards we do not present content until it has loaded. If for some reason your content is not loading, or the requested site has thrown a status code which is not in the 200s (Successful connection), meld's agentM will throw an account logo on your device and attempt to reconnect every 15 seconds.
Recommended Actions:
a) Please check the logs on the device, there should be red error messages that will explain what content the device is struggling to display.
b) Alternatively, if you are using a local server, please validate it is running as expected
c) If you are scheduling a web URL, please specify the protocol (For example, instead of
c) Please try using the following display options which will disable auto error handling and display after loading.
mcx.webview.errorHandling = false
mcx.webview.loadTimeout = false
mcx.webview.revealAfterLoad = false
2. Why does my device shows a white screen?
By default there are no white screen moments on meldCX. Instead it is likely the device it showing an account logo, however your logo is yet to be downloaded.
Recommended Actions: Please reboot the device several times, your device should eventually throw content on the screen (either your URL, or a Logo). Please also check that your network has the appropriate hosts whitelisted.
If the above actions have been taken and you are still seeing a white screen, please remove all installed applications and ensure the device has a 24/7 operating schedule, it should now show the meldCX idle screen. If not and you are still seeing a white screen, this could point towards application or OS corruption. If you are using our hosted CDM we may be able to recover the device remotely, please log a support ticket with us and we will investigate.
3. I am hosting a site off my local server, how do I configure my device to use a valid HTTPS connection?
Our devices will attempt to handle multiple server errors in order to recover content. However, our devices will not handle errors that claim you are using an invalid certificate. The best way to handle invalid certificate warnings is to do the following:
1. purchase a valid CA certificate for signing client/server certificates
2. use HTTP instead of HTTPS
3. Use our secure browser nav mode (see guide here). Which will surface the error message and allow you to manually bypass the error.
4. My application is not retaining authentication credentials
If you are using any of the following in order to authenticate users in secure kiosk mode, you may be susceptible to broken auth user flows;
1. cookies
2. localStorage APIs
3. localSession APIs
Recommended Actions
1. Prior to deploying your application on our meldCX stack, consider talking to the dev team here in order to use our enriched APIs for securely storing client tokens on the device. We prefer packaged applications over traditional URLs as they are more reliable and can handle a far larger amount or errors and store authentication details permanently. You are still able to use traditional browser based tech, however you will be able to leverage our rich API for communicating with file system storage, device configuration through options, a host of various peripheral devices and more.
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